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Building Resilient and Healthy Minds to Support Children’s Education and Well-Being in Cambodia

HeadGym is bringing its expertise in mental health training, coaching, and personal development to Cambodia. Our mission is to create a society where children from vulnerable families in Cambodia can rely on mental health support and build resilience to face their everyday challenges. Every child deserves a safe environment for their development and the right to mental health support and education.

The Challenge

Learn more about the challenges that children experience in Cambodia when it comes to their mental health in this recent article published by UNICEF.

Our Solution

Our team personally witnessed such challenges during our needs assessment journey in Cambodia when visiting schools in Phenom Penh and Battambang. Luckily, we have developed a comprehensive solution aimed at positively transforming mindsets to overcome mental health burdens.

Our approach provides early intervention strategies, safe inclusive classrooms, and the right resources and education so we can change underprivileged children’s lives and futures for the better.

Support our mission to provide better futures for children in Cambodia

We are fundraising to provide comprehensive mental health training to teachers and children in some of Cambodia’s most underprivileged regions.

We are raising £10,000 which will be used to train 100 teachers with 16 mental health training modules that will empower them to provide the right mental health and educational support to children from underprivileged families. With your support, we will be able to reach 2500 children and ensure together their well-being.

Join us to change lives together. To donate use the donation form below:

Our partners

At HeadGym we believe in a buttom-up approach that enables the development of local communities. We partner with local organizations, NGOs, and governments to provide sustainable solutions that are in line with local traditions and customs.

Meet Community Training Organization for Development (CTOD)

CTOD is a local NGO based in Battambang, Cambodia. Their work aims to improve the livelihood of children and youth through non-informal education and community development. Since the engagement with Neil and the team, together they have been conducting mental health training for teachers in Battambang. In the last training conducted in March 2024, 56 teachers were trained. According to the participants, our intervention was successful and useful. Check out the participant feedback form for more details.


Meet Neil & Kelly

Neil Ordish, the leader of HeadGym brings expertise in neurolinguistic programming and a profound passion for mental health solutions. His journey and that of his wife, Kelly, to empower Cambodian children is fueled by personal investment and a commitment to sustainable change.

As Neil and Kelly prepare for their second visit to Battambang, we invite you to join us in this courageous endeavour. Together, let’s work towards brighter futures for Cambodia’s children.

Meet Savettey – Our translator and Clinical Psychologist from Battambang

Meet Savattey, a young woman embodying resilience and determination from Cambodia. Forced to pause her education to support her family, Savattey refused to abandon her aspirations to turn into a professional psychologist. With the support of her aunt, she resumed her studies, securing a scholarship to pursue a  Master’s degree in Clinical psychology. By fostering supportive communities and ensuring equal access to education and opportunities, we can empower individuals like Savattey to rewrite their destinies and ignite a brighter future for Cambodia’s youth. We are proud that Savattey today is a senior psychologist part of our team at HeadGym and supports us as a translator during our mental health training.

Meet Valeria

Valeria Santoro is also supporting Neil and Kelly in their endeavor. She is a social entrepreneur passionate about providing solutions to the most pressing challenges our planet faces. She supports the team at Headgym with Fundraising and Communications and she is positive that together they will be able to provide a better future for children in Cambodia. You can find more about her here.

Do you want to learn more about our work in Cambodia or get more involved in our project? Feel free to reach out!

Neil Ordish
Founder & Director of Headgym

Valeria Santoro
Fundraiser & Communications Consultant