Comfort zone
How breaking out of your comfort zone can change your life for the better.
What is the Comfort Zone?
Everything you are capable of doing falls into two categories. Inside the comfort zone and outside of the comfort zone. Things that are inside the comfort zone are easy for you to do and typically comfortable. There is little mental resistance and it’s something that comes almost naturally.
An example of something inside the comfort zone could be driving it comes naturally and doesn’t take much resistance to perform. On the contrary, running is typically outside of people’s comfort zones and has a lot of mental resistance. It is seen as strenuous and tiresome. However running is good for you, it can increase mental energy, physical energy and optimism. Driving on the other hand provides none of these benefits. This is an example that shows just because something is inside the comfort zone does not mean it is the best option. Activities positions in the comfort zone do not correlate with the overall value of an activity.
All the comfort zone does is try to keep you sticking to the things inside of it. The less you perform activities bordering or outside of your comfort zone the smaller it will become.
Why leave the Comfort Zone?
Expanding and venturing outside of your comfort zone will reap many rewards. You will become a much more resilient person gaining self-confidence and assurance of your character. There are not only mental rewards but you will often find the activities you take part in while expanding your comfort zone you may be passionate about. You could also find through these activities you make relationships with new people that you previously wouldn’t have.
How to escape the Comfort Zone
A sense of direction such as a target or a goal can prove useful in expanding your comfort zone. It gives you a clear reason to expand it and acts as a motivating fuel.
Moving towards fear rather than away from it can drastically expand your comfort zone. When you acknowledge a sense of fear or anxiety in a situation try stepping into it and noticing that you are okay. You will feel an overwhelming sense of achievement after doing this as well as making you feel more confident to do so next time.
Learn to be okay with discomfort. Acknowledge that you are okay when faced with a tough situation sit with your emotions and see where they come from but realise that you are okay and can move forwards. This is very important because the only way to expand your comfort zone and to become confident is to know that you are okay and act in the face of uncertainty.
Make a point of trying new things. It can be as simple as reading a book or you could start a new hobby. You don’t have to stick to these things if you don’t enjoy them. The main objective is to try something new and put you into an unfamiliar situation where you can expand your experiences and therefore comfort zone.
Confidence is not gained when things go the way they are meant to. It’s gained when things go wrong and you realise that you are okay.