Why you feel motivated at night
How to feel motivated during the day and become more productive.
Why you feel motivation at night
You feel motivated at night to do great things because there is no cost to this motivation. You are going to sleep so you don’t have to do these things you are motivated about right now. When you wake up in the morning and you’re tired there’s suddenly a cost to going to the gym, you can either do that or lie in bed and the instant gratification of lying in bed often wins.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that encourages you to act. A basic example of this is the motivation to drink water or eat.
However, dopamine can also work as an addiction encouraging you to perform bad habits or do things that are not beneficial to your life. For example, when you wake up in the morning you may feel the dopaminergic urge to check your phone or to watch Netflix instead of working. It often causes you to go for the instant gratification option rather than the action that is better for you in the long term.
Adenosine is a receptor that increases as a by-product of ATP which is sort of the brains fuel. Throughout the day adenosine increases and inhibits dopamine release. This is why maybe later in the day you may find it easier to study, such as revising the night before an exam instead of during the day. There are fewer dopaminergic urges for you to watch Netflix or do other instant gratification activities as there is less dopamine.
However high adenosine also means fatigue so working when you have high adenosine and low dopamine you will produce a lower quality of work and less consistency. The ideal situation is low dopamine and low adenosine.
When you sleep at night your adenosine levels reset for the next day. Likewise, your dopamine levels do not start high. In the morning you can determine whether your day will be dictated by dopaminergic urges or what you want in the long run.
Avoiding the dopamine trap
Every fibre of your being will want to pick up your phone in the morning or watch Netflix instead of going for a walk or to the gym. However, this first hour of the day is what decides if you fall into the dopamine trap.
When you pick up your phone first thing in the morning you are increasing your dopamine setting yourself up to fail. If you wake up and are scrolling through Instagram you are not going to experience any motivation as your brain is being mentally distracted and now dictated by dopamine.
To avoid this dopamine trap in the morning you could keep your phone away from you possibly in a different room. Be aware of these urges to do the habits you know you shouldn’t, but don’t dwell on them. If you spend too long thinking about it your mind will convince you to do the habit you know you shouldn’t and tell yourself to just start the gym tomorrow.
In the morning try avoiding all technology for the first hour.
There are certain activities you can try in the morning or throughout the day to cultivate motivation. When you experience motivation at night it is often when you put your phone down or maybe when you’re having a shower in the form of “shower thoughts”. This is because you are alone with your thoughts and without these dopaminergic options around you.
These activities often include you engaging in a physical activity that doesn’t require you to think such as having a shower or going for a walk. Motivation then bubbles forth and you start to have original and inspiring thoughts.
Use these activities to bring you inspiration and deep thoughts. Go for a walk first thing in the morning or even try meditation, instead of scrolling through social media. There are many activities you can do that can leave you alone with your thoughts while performing mindless action.
This will allow you to gain and feel a sense of control over your life. You will no longer feel a slave to your desires or incapable. When you feel more control and capability you will also feel increased confidence.